Can you explain the purpose of the Scrollspy plugin?Bootstrap interview question set 1/Bootstrap Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers & Experienced

Can you explain the purpose of the Scrollspy plugin?

Using the Scrollspy plugin in Bootstrap allows you to target certain sections of the page based on the scroll position. Thereafter, you can add .active classes, based on the scroll position, to the Bootstrap navbar.

Posted Date:- 2021-08-27 08:00:46

What is the function of the lg grid class?

What will happen if we add many tags with the class of thumbnails around the image?

Define types of layout in Bootstrap? Explain?

How do you make images responsive in Bootstrap?

How can you add a badge to a list group in Bootstrap?

What is the Bootstrap Navbar?

What is the benefit of Bootstrap?

What is the need of Bootstrap?

Is it possible to put a table within the Bootstrap panel?

What are bootstrap alerts and how will you create them?

List Any Three Components of Bootstrap.

How to create thumbnails using Bootstrap?

What is Bootstrap breadcrumb?

What do you mean by Bootstrap well?

What are glyphicons? How to use them?

In Bootstrap what are the two ways you can display the code?

How do you Create a Vertical or Basic Form in Bootstrap?

Please enumerate the various contextual classes available for styling the panels in Bootstrap.

Can you explain the purpose of the Scrollspy plugin?

What is the difference between Bootstrap and Foundation?

What purposes do the .media and .useful classes serve in Bootstrap?

What types of layout are available in Bootstrap?

What do you understand by Bootstrap media objects?

What are the Four Contextual Classes to Use with Bootstrap’s Progressive Bar.

Explain Dropdowns and Button Groups in Bootstrap.

Explain types of lists supported by Bootstrap.

15) What is the role of the media objects in Bootstrap and how many types are available?

What is media object in Bootstrap and what are their types?

Explain what is Bootstrap collapsing elements?

What is a progress bar in bootstrap?

Explain what is Modal plugin used for in Bootstrap?

Please provide an explanation of input groups in Bootstrap.

What are the Various Features of Bootstrap?

What Makes Bootstrap an Effective Option for Mobile and Web Development?

Explain the typography and links in Bootstrap.

Explain what pagination in bootstrap is and how they are classified?

What function you can use to wrap a page content?

Why do we use Jumbotron in Bootstrap?

Give an example of a basic grid structure in Bootstrap.

What is Bootstrap Grid System?

What are offset columns in Bootstrap?

How many types of layout are available in Bootstrap?

What are Class loaders in Bootstrap?

Please explain Normalize in Bootstrap.

What Makes Bootstrap an Effective Option for Mobile and Web Development?

What are the Key Components of Bootstrap?

What are the types of layout available in Bootstrap?

Explain what are class loaders in Bootstrap?

Explain why Bootstrap is preferred for website development.

What is Bootstrap?

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